Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas Pageant...sort of

Tonight we had our church's Christmas Eve service. Part of the evening included a small play put on by the 3-5 year olds. They did a great job and it was neat to see Thad and Ian part of the show.

One of the things I love about my kids is that they are freaking weird just like their dad. When given the option of what animal he wanted to be in the program, Ian subsequently selected cheetah. Epic.

Hey, you don't know if there was a cheetah at the manger. Were you there? I didn't think so. Some may think the boy odd...I would call him eccentric.

Thad was a wise man. This was an easy task for him to perform given that he is from the Gardner family.

Merry Christmas all. We hope your Christmas Eve and
Christmas are as joyful and exciting as ours!


Michael, Rebecca, Justin, and Kailyn Johnstone said...

hopefully Thad kept his hand off his junk for this performance...

Growing in Grace said...

Ahahahaha! Well, considering the cheetah is the fastest mammal on earth, I'd say he was the first one there to worship the the heck out of camels.